
Sunday, January 6, 2013

0047 HOW the Software works

This "Processing System" is based on the "Communication" between the "Non-Dimensional
World", which was referred to by the Ancients as "The Place of LIFEand the "Dimensional
World", believed to be this Universe. (as well as other Universes and Worlds)

ALL involves Both "Inners" and "Outers".

One of these can NOT exist by its own, as they are "Opposites" !

As I have shown in the beginning of my forums, ALL exists between 2 Outer "Faces"
of "The True Mindalso known as "Awareness" or LIFE.

As you can see there are 2 "Outers" involved in a "Plane". Remember that this Plane
is "Conceptual". But this does NOT imply it doesn't exist !

The 2 "Outers" are the 2 Outer "Faces" i.e. the Front and Rear "Faces" if we stand back
from the "Plane" to View it.

The other Outer involves any "Face", where its Form is the "Outer" and the Absolute Centre,
represents the point of "Non Dimension".

So the "X" Instruction is a "Bridge" Instruction which enables the Connection between
the "Non Dimensional World" and the "Dimensional World" i.e. the Dimensional
referring to Form.

Remember these shown in my earlier post near the beginning ?

So the "X" Instruction is used to "Bridge" between the 2 Worlds.

a.     The "Absolute Centre" having NO Shape or Dimension.
b.     The "Outer World" in other words the World involving "Form".

So The "X" Instruction is in the Form of "Geometric Communication".

The other "Outer" involves the "Strobe" or to Turn things On and Off.

If an "Instruction" appears, it appears as though from Nothing, or From the Origin
which is also "Non- Dimensional".

And Likewise if taken Away, (Disappears) it is understood to go into the Unseen
or "Non-Dimensional World".

So Understanding these 2 Phenomena, is very important with regard to understanding
the "Software", involved in all types of Mind "Interfaces".

Here is an Animation which demonstrates the 2 "Thresholds" of LIGHT.

To view this Animation Correctly, we need to turn both our head and eyes to the Right hand Side
off our Computer Screen, so we view the animation in the Left hand side of our field of vision.

While viewing this Animation do NOT shift your Head or Eyes back toward the screen,
until you have taken notice of the phenomena taking place on screen.

If one is not trusting, then look at the Screen, before trying this demonstration, to justify nothing
I am showing is a trick, or contains anything else misleading.
If all the fames are individually inspected, you will find I am strait up with NO Tricks involved.

So Now if you observe this phenomena in the Left hand side of your vision, you will see when
the line is being progressively taken away toward the Right, a bright Ball of WHITE LIGHT
can be seen travelling with the Left hand End of the Line, as the Line shortens.

And as the Line extends again, a BLACKER than BLACK portion, can be seen on the Left hand
end of the Line, while it extends again.

This is NO Mystery or involving anything Mystical !

The travelling WHITE LIGHT you see, is the "Complimentary Colour" of BLACK.

And the BLACKER portion (BLACKER than the BLACK Line) is the "Complimentary Colour"

And here is another Example where an Image is removed..

The Interesting thing about this Demonstration, is that the TWO "Thresholds" of LIGHT
are Revealed, Contrary to Scientific belief !

It is this "error" in Science, which leads all down the wrong path involving LIGHT !

Darkness is the mixing of BLACK & WHITE.

LIGHT is produced by Separating these Two "Components" which form Darkness !

The BLACK is just as Important as the WHITE.

These two are "Opposites" !    It's Impossible to have One without the Other.

Colour is the Manipulation of these Two "Components", (BLACK & WHITE) in the Darkness.

So if we take away a BLACK Image on a WHITE Background (Its "Opposite") then we see
the Transfer from the "Dimensional World" to the "Non Dimensional World" of LIFE
i.e. "The True Mind", or "Awareness".

The WHITE LIGHT that is seen, is the Outer "End" or Opposite "End" of one
or both "Ends" of the Mind.

In other words, the other Outer "Face" of the/a "Plane".

I must bring it to your attention though, that both Faces contain the "Opposites" inside
their Inner Environments.

The same "Phenomena" takes place in the other Colours as well.

In Science, they make the error of testing all "Complimentary Colours" on a WHITE Background.

To see a True "Complimentary Colour", the Background should be it's Complimentary Colour,
NOT WHITE unless One wants to see the Complimentary Colour for BLACK.

The Colour which appears as the Complimentary Colour at the moment the colour being tested
vanishes, will be its True Complimentary Colour.
It is this Phenomena which allows the "Transfer" of Data from "This World"
to the "Non-Dimensional World" of LIFE.

1st we see the object in the world of our "Environment" (Part of the Universe) and then
we see the "Image" copied by the Mind ,seen in the World of Mind i.e. "Awareness" or LIFE.

Hence the Ancients associating LIGHT with LIFE.

To gain the full understanding, please Start this "Thesis" from the beginning. (at Post 0001)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

0046 Different Interfaces, and the Formats behind them

This is one of 2 different Subjects, following on from my last thread, revealing
some of the Different Mind "Interfaces".

In this Post, I will show 2 Different "Interfaces", their Functions, and the formats
they are constructed from.

Each different type of "Interface" uses the same Geometric "Language",
but are used to perform different tasks.

The simplest of All, is used in "Editing" the Human Body.
( Program/s which present the "Human form" in the Holographic Experience.)

This particular "Interface", comes in the form of a Rectangular Display "Screen".

The "Screen" is placed between the feet of a patient lying down Horizontally on a bed,
on their back.

Now the reason for this is, there are 2 "Primary Programs" which exist in the Inner
"Faces" of a "Plane".

The "Species Program" ( Your Individual body ) exists on One of these Inner "Faces"
while the "Environmental Program" exists on the Other Inner "Face".

The Gap, between these 2 "Faces" is ZERO, and both of these "Programs", producing
the "Images", ( in 3Dare presented in 2D !

It is the "Head" which orientates our "Field of Vision". and NOT the Eyes, as believed
or taken for granted incorrectly by most on Earth.

In other words the "Head" is Linked Directly, to what Generates your "Field of Vision".

The Eyes are used to "Scan" within this "Field of Vision".

To prove this, we need to do a test, to verify whether or Not this is True.

The Test.

Rest your chin on something, so your head does NOT Move, while doing this.

If necessary place something either side of the chin to ensure the Head does NOT Move.

Now Look straight ahead, and without shifting your eyes, take careful Note of your whole
"Field of Vision" especially regarding its Outer Limits.

Take careful Note, if your "Field of Vision" changes on the Extreme Left, or if there appears
to be a small change when you look to the Extreme  Left?

Now look to the Extreme Right and see if the same phenomena is experienced ?

Check this out a number of times, without shifting your Head.

The phenomena to examine, is whether the Angle your eyes rotate through, Matches the Change
in your "Field of Vision" according to the Arc, your Eyes rotate through ?
( about 90° from one extreme to the other )

If you look to the Right, the extreme Right will change very little, but the Left will change a lot.

If you Look to the Left, the extreme Left will change very little, but the Right will change a lot.

Examine this carefully ! And think about it.

Check the demonstration out again, if unsure.

Now try closing One Eye, and repeat the exercise. Then repeat the exercise using the other Eye.

Note; In spite of the Angle of horizontal movement, of the eyeballs move in their sockets,
the "Pperipheral Vision" doesn't alter much, on the side you are looking toward, indicating
 the Eyes themselves are not responsible for your field of vision !

But rather the eyes are used to focus on a small area, inside your "Field of Vision".

And your "Field of Vision" is NOT the result of your eyes, as assumed or believed
by most people on Earth.

If we close our eyes, and look in front of us, we can also see a "Field of Vision".

So in using this particular "Interface", this is why a Patient must be laying on their back
and the Head tilted forward, so as the Centre of their vision, can come to a location
between the feet. Or if you like, for your Feet to appear in the Centre of your Vision.

The Mind "Interface" is then positioned both between the feet and in the Centre
of your "Field of Vision"  at the same time.

It is the Mind that sees... Not the Brain or the Eyes as the Eyes and Brain are "Components"
of an "Interface" too. ( The Human Species )

The "Species Program" i.e. your Independent body, is displayed in the nearest Inner "Face"
to the End representing the Centre of the Mind.

So the "Interface" is now located in the "Primary Accumulator" positioned in
the Lower World.( Between your feet )

One of 3 different Program Locations, can be displayed within ( Inside ) this "Interface".

Shown in the Drawing below, the Upper "Sector" is Enabled.

And shown in the Drawing below the Lower "Sector" is Enabled.

And here showing the Primary "Partition" Map overlaid on the "Interface" and showing
the 3rd or mid "Sector" Enabled.

The "Interface" can also be located in 7 different Locations regarding this area.


Here is what these Formats are structured on.

The Primary Partitioning involves ( 8 x 8 ) or 64 Registers.

And another "Set" of ( 7 x 7 ) or 49 Registers

I will start with the  ( 8 x 8 ) or 64 Registers.

These consist of 8 "Columns".

and 8 "Rows" or "Lines".

As we are "Editing" we use a "Line" or part of a "Line" of Registers.

Some "Interfaces" can involve One or more "Lines" or "Rows" depending on the "Interface".

In this "Interface" 3 Secondary "Rows" are used inside the "Interface", which can be located
in any one of 7 Locations, in the "Primary Accumulator", indicated here by "Partition" Map,
depending on what we are wanting to achieve.

The Outer "Frame" of  the "Interface" is  2 Registers in height, and 8 Registers Long.

Shown below, positioned in the Centre of the Primary Accumulator "Partition" Map.

The "Text Windows" ( which there are 3 of  ) are located Inside this Frame, each "Window"
is One Register High and 8 Registers Long.


There is another "Set" of "Partitions",

involving the ( 7 x 7 ) or 49 Registers.

When these 2 "Partition" Maps are overlaid we get....

And when we overlay these 3 "Partition" Maps,


we find these "Squares" as a result, shown here in RED.


So the "Partition" Map in the "Text window" looks like this.

This Drawing below shows a Program "Instruction" in the 1st Box or Register, relating to
the "Running Program".

The 2nd Box, involves Registers of the ( 7 x 7 ) or 49 Registers.

This "Instruction" relates to the 2nd ( out of 3 Locations ) in the Lower World Program.
( Involving the body )

These Registers shown in the Drawing below, contain the Address, one of 10,000 locations.
( Involving variations of any defined Component. ) Some or many of these Locations can either
contain a variation of a common "Component" or be empty.
These give us the Options available in the Program/s

Below is a drawing, showing all the "Components" of Half the "Interface" Display,
which relates to the Program. The other Half relates to the Control "Sector".

And in this next Drawing, omitting the Text Window "Partition" Maps.

And below, what an "Instruction Set" looks like, Displayed in the "Video Interface".
This relates to a Program.

Below is a Drawing, of another type of "Interface". ( just One of thousands of other
different "Interfaces" ) This particular "Interface" is used to changing an "Environmental Program"
from say a room in a building, to the cabin area of a "Transport Interface".
( Some on Earth might refer to, as an Alien Craft )

This Mind "Communication Interface" is about 1.2 to 1.3 Meters Tall.

Normally used by a single "Operator", but can be used by 3 people at a time.

The "Components" involves a SHIN ( The Round "Screen" seen in the Upper Section of this "Interface".)

It also has a "Screen" below the SHIN.
This "Screen" has 7 "Rows" or "Lines" containing Instructions.

Below this are 2 "Keyboards" which are used in "Writing" to both the Display below
the SHIN, as well as the SHIN itself.

The "Keyboard" on the Left is the "Program Sector Keyboard" and the "Keyboard"
on the Right is the "Control Sector Keyboard".

To gain the full understanding, please Start this "Thesis" from the beginning. (at Post 0001)