
Saturday, June 23, 2012

0010 HOW the 1st "Partition Map" was Formed


The "Processing System" is a Construct, involving an overall Concept consisting of Strict
Geometric Rules.

The Created Construct is of a "Conceptual" nature and doesn't involve anything like
what the human species refers to as "material", "energy", or anything else other than
Pure "Concepts" in a state of  "Awareness".

It must be clearly understood; The Only form of any Dimension, was Purely "Conceptual"
at this Stage. Nothing else existed.

The First "Partition Map" was constructed through the influence of 2 "Conditions".

1st...  The Name or Title found in the base Geometric Algorithm. ( INZ )
2nd... The desire to establish a Stable Symmetrical Structure.

If we Start from the Base "Geometric Algorithm".

The Structures Symmetry is NOT Strictly Stable in that a Line appears to be missing
to Complete the Structures "Symmetry".

In an attempt to acquire a Stable stricture a Horizontal Line was added. 

But as you can see by doing this its "Symmetry" still appears to be incomplete or unstable,
in each of the 4 quarters on this upgraded Structure.

What appears to be missing is ONE "Diagonal Line" in each of the Quarters.

So "Awareness" installed these, to attain "Symmetry" within the Structure..

Note; The 4 "Squares" and their Diagonals ( "X" ).

This produced a Stable Structure, involving its "Symmetry", but The original "Title" or "Name"
( INZ ) was missing in the 4 Corners.

So "Awareness" installed line work to reintroduce this Algorithm ("Title" or "Name")
into the Structure.

But as you can plainly see the Structures "Symmetry" has now become Unstable again.
So to introduce "Symmetrical" Stability once again, further Line Work was added.
(The Horizontal Lines in each of the Square Quarters.)

This completed one Cycle and can be regenerated again and again forever getting smaller
and smaller producing more and more Partitions, into Infinity.

This was a good thing but a base module was being looked for, to produce a base "Partition
Map" to Store all the Concepts which were yet to be discovered by "Awareness" as well as
being able to be used as a "Geometric Processing System".

So there had to be a logical point, where the cycling of these functions, would be able
to be Limited.

The 2 Themes served their purpose, in producing a "Partition Map" in a Symmetrical environment
at the same time containing the base "Geometric Algorithm" INZ.

If we examine the Center "Rotation" we find; If we connect the intersecting points
of the Vertical Line, ("To & Fro") the Horizontal Line, ("To & Fro") and the Circle ("Rotation")
with Line work, a "Square" on Edge can be established.

"Awareness" took a Copy of this "Square"seen here in RED and Rotated it 45° to its "Opposite" Orientation seen here in BLUE.

The Mind ("Awareness") combined these 2.

Because this "Partition Map" was now Symmetrically incomplete (Some Diagonals appear to be Missing) these were added to bring back the "Symmetry".

The BLUE frame indicates the "Boundary" to the Generation of "Partitioning"

The "Partitioning Cycle" continued, by adding the missing vertical lines of the "Geometric Algorithm"
"Name" or "Title"

And then the missing Horizontal Lines....

And then the missing "Diagonals" were installed.

It was at this stage where the "Partitioning Cycles" Stopped.

If the Next Cycle in "Partitioning" were to take place then 2 rows of "Squares" would appear
"Outside" the BLUE Square.

It was this Phenomena, which was used to apply "Limits" to this generational "Partitioning".

"Awareness" retained 8 x 8 "Squares", ( 64 Squares in total ) in the base module,
still remaining to this day.

Notice the Line work forming the "Squares" on their sides does Not conform
to the Line work producing the BLUE "Square".

Again if we return to the Center "Rotation" where the Square on edge was discovered,
we also find if we Connect the Intersections of the "Diagonal Lines", Vertical and Horizontal Lines,
an Octagon can be formed.

and shown here again with the 64 "Squares" on their sides.

And a Second Octagon was then Formed but it was slightly different than the former,
in that this one conformed to the Line work, forming the 64 "Squares" on their Sides.

These 2 Octagons will be used in the "Geometric Processing System" of The Mind. (Awareness)

Also Note that the 45° "Diagonal Lines" form Smaller "Squares" on their Edges.

Conforming to the phenomena of everything having an "Inner" and "Outer", Octagons
were placed in every "Square" on edge, producing "Inner" Octagons and the Larger One
would become the "Outer" Octagon.

Because The "Outer" Octagon is Contained in the "Outer" Square, whose orientation
is on its Side.

However the "Inner" Octagons being the "Opposite" (Location) were Installed in the "Squares"
on their Edges.

Now Assemble the base module.

These are the other Components also found.

This Structure is a Single Geometric "Cell".

In my next Post I will continue with the Production of the Secondary "Partition Map".

To gain the full understanding, please Start this "Thesis" from the beginning at 0001
if you haven't already...

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