
Thursday, December 6, 2012

0042 The "2" Instruction and its associated Components

The next "Instruction", I want to Introduce is the "2" Instruction.

The "2" Instruction, is an interesting function, as it takes a "Running Program" and Rotates
it around, and displays the "Contents" in a Main "Temporary library" Register.

This is the Geometric Profile of the "2" Instruction.

In the Drawing below the Upper "Running Program" sub-Register which contains the Images
used in the Experience i.e. your Individual body and Environment is selected, to be Rotated
into the Main "Running Program" Temporary Library Register.

This "Instruction" (The "2") can be Rotated around in different orientations, Each Orientation
referring to each of the 4 Sub-Registers of the "Running Program".

The Drawing below, shows the Right hand ("Out-Put") of the "Running Program"
to be Rotated into the Main "Running Program" Temporary Library Register.

And Now the Lower "Running Program" Register ("Out-Put") to be Rotated
into the Main "Running Program" Temporary Library Register.

And Lastly, the Left hand "Running Program" Register (the "Written Program" Register)
to be Rotated into the Main "Running Program" Temporary Library Register.

The "Instruction" can also be flipped.
In this next Drawing, I have shown the Inverted "2" Instruction Flipped.

The Direction of the Line Work of the "Instruction", concerning the End of this Line
involving the Straight "Line Work" where it Terminates, "Points" in either the Clockwise
or Anti Clockwise direction, indicating either the Program or the Control Register.

In this case, it points Clockwise, indicating it involves the "Control" Register.

But on the other Hand, if Not Flipped, regarding the Straight "Line" termination points
in a Anti Clockwise Direction, thus involving the "Program" Register.

The Drawing below, is the ZION Glyph, the "2" Instruction comes from.

This style of "2" used today came from the Above ZION Glyph, from the Awakening
of "The ALL".

All the "Glyphs", in ALL the Languages on Earth, come from a huge range of ZION Glyphs !

In the Drawing below, I have shown where the "Components" of the "2" come from,
out of the ZION Glyph.

Even the Chinese written Language Glyphs, come from the ZION Language.
(The Language of the Mind used in its Processing System)

The Chinese Word for a "Person" shown in the Drawing below, also came from
the ZION Language.

Shown in the Drawing below, superimposed on the Matrix Map.

The next Drawing, shows the ZION Glyph, the Chinese Word, "Person" came from.

And in the Drawing below, shows the "Components", taken from the ZION Glyph
in BLACKused in the Chinese Word for "People".

Here are the Matrix "Components" the "2" Instruction is associated with.

The Curved section, of the "2" Instruction indicates the "C" Register, in this case the "Ring of 8"
and its associated registers, inside the Upper "Running Program" Register.

The Straight Line Component of the "2" Instruction is aligned to the "9 Gates" Register
on the "Stage".

Note; In this case, the Termination of the Straight Line Component of the "2" Instruction,
points in the Anti Clockwise Direction, indicating the "Program" Register of the
"Temporary LibraryRegister is "Pointing" to.

In other words this Orientation of the "2" Instruction, "Points" to the "Program" Register
of the "Running Programs" Main "Temporary Library" Register.

And again shown below, with different Registers shown in the "Lower World" or Registers.

Here is an Animation showing the "2" Instruction its Different Orientations and the "Branch"
to the Main "Temporary Library" Register of the "Running Program" Register.

The Drawing below, shows the "Round" Register (Function) in the "2" Instruction.

Inside this "Round" register we find the "C" Register containing the "Ring of 8" Octagons
and its associated Registers.

This next Drawing, shows the Direction, information "Flows" within the "2" Instruction,
when taking the Upper "Running Program" Contents and then Displaying it in the "Program"
Register of the Main "Temporary" Register of the "Running Program" Register.

Note; The the "Ring of 8" Rotates in a Clockwise direction during this function, indicating
the "Information" is going into a Control Environment i.e. the "Control" Register.

And when the "Contents" of the "Program" Register of the Main "Temporary Library"
Register is Loaded into the Upper "Running Program" Register, the "Flow" of Information
is of course in the "Opposite" Direction.

During this Operation though, the "Ring of 8" Rotates in the "Opposite" Direction, indicating
the contents is going into the "Program" Register, in this case the Upper "Running Program"

So the 2 main areas involved, are the Upper "Running Program" Register and the "9 Gates"

1st the Upper "Running Program" Register.

and The "9 Gates" Register on the "Stage".

The next Drawing, shows the "Running Program" Octagonal Registers in the Upper
"Running Program" Register.

And the Upper "Running Program" Square Registers, behind the 9 Octagonal Registers.

And the "9 Gates" Temporary "Library" Registers.

And the "Octagonal" Registers Inside the "Temporary" Registers of the "9 Gates".

And the 9 "Octagonal" Registers on their own.

To gain the full understanding, please Start this "Thesis" from the beginning. (at Post 0001)

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